Activate your political voice with us! Join us in telling your legislators what’s important to you and how they can take bold action for kids and families in our communities.

Young person with curly brown hair looks at phone with worried expression

Tell lawmakers: WA needs new progressive revenue, not cuts to vital programs

Washington state is facing a daunting budget deficit and vital programs could face cuts as a result. Instead of cutting our way out of the budget deficit, lawmakers should support progressive revenue proposals, like a tax on extreme wealth, that would not only help cover the budget deficit but also make our tax code more equitable. For too long, our state has relied on regressive taxation, like the sales tax, which forces working families to contribute a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the wealthiest residents of our state.  

Tell lawmakers: Support House Bill 1834

Our state's kids are facing a behavioral health crisis. Currently, Washington is ranked 48th in behavioral health and wellness for young people, and over half of our adolescents are experiencing anxiety or depression.

That's why Children's Alliance is supporting House Bill 1834 and Senate Bill 5708. Requested by the State Attorney General, and sponsored by Representative Lisa Callan and Senator Noel Frame, these bills were developed as part of a collaborative effort with Children's Alliance and work to mitigate some of the harmful effects that social media and digital engagement can have on our kids by holding digital media companies accountable.