Together, we can move our lawmakers to advance racial equity and improve the lives of Washington’s kids and families. This page contains details of the bills we are tracking in the 2025 legislative session which began on January 13.

For a list of current actions you can take to help advance these bills, please visit our action center.

Bill Name & NumberPosition & AnalysisStatusCurrent Stage
Health Equity
HB 2038: Youth behavioral Health AccountSupport: Create a small tax on social media companies to fund a youth behaivoral health account, which will suport the operation of state behaviorla health work groups, coordination, and a teletherapy pilot program. Introduced
HB 1834: Protecting Kids OnlineSupport: This bipartisan piece of legislation, developed by Children’s Alliance in partnership with the Attorney General’s Office, is critically important as we tackle the youth behavioral health crisis in Washington. Research shows that exposure to social media at a young age, especially kids under 13 who are ill-equipped to navigate it, can significantly increase risk of depression and anxiety. Limits to time of use and protections for digital privacy have been shown to be effective at improving emotional wellbeing in kids.


House Floor
SB 5708: Protecting Kids OnlineSupport: This bipartisan piece of legislation, developed by Children’s Alliance in partnership with the Attorney General’s Office, is critically important as we tackle the youth behavioral health crisis in Washington. Research shows that exposure to social media at a young age, especially kids under 13 who are ill-equipped to navigate it, can significantly increase risk of depression and anxiety. Limits to time of use and protections for digital privacy have been shown to be effective at improving emotional wellbeing in kids.

Facing Cutoff

Introduced in House
SB 5352: Free School MealsSupport: We support this bill because we know that nutrition and access to food during the school day is fundamental to academic success and positive development. Students cannot function at their highest capacity if they are hungry, and many children and families in our state currently live with food insecurity. Guaranteeing that all schoolchildren have free access to meals during the school day is crucial to supporting kids and families in our state and is a commonsense step toward equitably setting our kids up for success.


Senate Policy Committee
HB 1404: Free School MealsSupport: We support this bill because we know that nutrition and access to food during the school day is fundamental to academic success and positive development. Students cannot function at their highest capacity if they are hungry, and many children and families in our state currently live with food insecurity. Guaranteeing that all schoolchildren have free access to meals during the school day is crucial to supporting kids and families in our state and is a commonsense step toward equitably setting our kids up for success.


House Fiscal Committee
Early learning
HB 1351: ECEAP Age RequirementsSupport: Allows children who are eligible for the Early Childhood Edcuation and Assistance Program (ECEAP) to enroll in an available slot after their third birthday, rather than waiting for the next school year.


Senate Policy Committee
SB 5500: Cost of Quality CareSupport: Provides more accountability in future funding conversations by tranistioning how the Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) subsidy remimbursement rates are measured. Whereas the current system determines rates based on tuition for families who pay privately, the Cost of Quality Care measure would help to identify the gap between current rates and the actual cost of high quality child care.


Senate Rules Committee
SB 5297: Early Learning Facilities FundSupport: Improves accessibility to the Early Learning Facilities Fund to help providers access resources they need to provide safe spaces for children to learn and play


House Fiscal Committee
HB 1314: Early Learning Facilities FundSupport: Improves accessibility to the Early Learning Facilities Fund to help providers access resources they need to provide safe spaces for children to learn and play


Senate Rules Committee
SB 5752: Timelines and Funding Status for Early Learning ProgramsDelays timelines for Fair Start for Kids Act (FSKA) commitments, including ECEAP entitlement and Working Connections Child Care eligibility expansion. The current bill would position early ECEAP, along with all auxilliary FSKA components as subject to appropriations.


House Policy Committee
Economic Justice
SB 5797: Intangible Asset Property Tax%1 tax on financial intangibles valued over $50 million.


Senate Fiscal Committee