Have a Heart for Kids Day is a collaborative day of advocacy hosted by The Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP, Children’s Alliance, Save the Children Action Network, Washington Family Engagement, Social Venture Partners, and Families of Color Seattle.

Register for Have a Heart for Kids Day here.

Below are upcoming training opportunities, as well as pre-recorded trainings, to share information about our policy priorities and how to advocate for them.

Recorded Trainings

Information and Q&A session: Advocacy & Action!

Hear directly from Children's Alliance staff on the status of our priority bills this legislative session - and how you can make a difference for kids. Our team will provide expert analysis and help you get ready to speak up for what matters to you.

How to schedule a meeting with your legislator

This training will show you how to set up a meeting with your legislator. This video is part of Have a Heart for Kids Day, an annual event that brings together advocates from across Washington State to learn from each other, strengthen our community and create a powerful voice for children and families.  

Information session: ECEAP Eligibility

Learn about what eligibility changes to ECEAP we are advocating for this session! Includes discussion around: 1) supporting DCYF’s request to stabilize childcare for families enrolled in Head Start, Early Head Start, and ECEAP/Early ECEAP by allowing the family partnership support to count as an “approved work activity” to qualify for working connections child care. 2) Expand eligibility for Working Connections to all Head Start and ECEAP staff below 85% of state median income. 3) Change ECEAP’s eligibility so that families receiving SNAP/Basic Food will be automatically eligible.

Ready, Set, Lead!

An informational and Q&A session for Lobby Leads (attending Have a Heart for Kids Day) and anyone interested in learning about how to arrange and lead a meeting with their lawmakers. Hosted by Children's Alliance.

Information session: ECEAP & Early ECEAP

A discussion around the ECEAP workforce and expansion of Early ECEAP.