Earlier this week, the federal government “paused” most federal grants and assistance funding as part of their extremist, anti-child agenda. Within hours, essential programs like Head Start and Medicaid experienced extreme uncertainty about whether they could continue to operate, and in what capacity. We have already seen disruptions locally as providers prepared for the possibility of sudden closures and loss of funding.  

This is just one of many chaotic and harmful actions the new Administration has recently taken that have already had a negative impact on children in Washington state and across the nation. This is unacceptable. We must resist! 

Many of us are feeling frustrated and scared right now. But when we come together, we have the power to stand against any anti-child agenda. Children’s Alliance is committed to protecting all of Washington’s kids, no matter their race, gender identity, immigration status, or income level. We will stand firm alongside families, organizational partners, and advocates like you to push back against dangerous actions and ensure a bright future for every child. 

We promise to: 

Fight for Racial Justice 

The federal government has made it clear that it sees racial equity work as a threat. In the few short years since our country’s racial reckoning in 2020, efforts have been made to remove Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives from government and are threatening educators who teach our children about the true history of our country. 

The fight for racial justice is at the heart of our mission. We have a decades-long history of centering racial equity and children furthest from opportunity in all the work that we do. We won’t stop now.  

Protect vital programs 

The threat to freeze federal grant funding shows that this Administration is willing to take vital programs, like health care and early learning, away from communities that need them most. We will continue to work with our state legislators to expand and increase access and funding for these programs at the state level. There is more than enough wealth in our state to provide these services for those in need, and revenue proposals like the wealth tax would serve to insulate our communities from the unreliable federal supports.   

Stand with immigrant families 

Many children, families and communities are grappling with unprecedented levels of fear as roundups, raids, and mass deportations are threatened. Parents are scared to send their children to school, fearing that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers will conduct a raid on the premises.  

We believe that every child should feel safe in their school and community. Here are some resources from our partners who are doing critical work with immigrant communities: 

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project 

Washington Defender Association 

Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Protect reproductive and gender-affirming care and rights 

Decisions around reproductive care should be made by the patient and their care team. Restricting this care can have life-threatening consequences and long-lasting impacts upon the patient and their family. Check out the work of Pro-choice Washington for more information and resources. 

All of our children have the right to live their lives as they truly are. The Administration has already pledged to roll back protections for transgender people and restrict access to gender-affirming care. We know that the trans community is already at risk of discrimination and trans youth are more likely to struggle with behavioral health issues than their cisgender peers. Children’s Alliance is working hard to expand mental and behavioral health access to every child in Washington state and we stand with our partners who are fighting to protect the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. The ACLU of Washington has more information and resources. 

Support environmental justice 

Climate change is a significant threat to our children’s future, and communities of color and families with low incomes are more likely to suffer the devastating effects of our changing climate, both now and in the future. 

The Administration has shown a blatant disregard for the health of our planet by pulling the US out of the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, ramping up fossil fuel production, and opening up protected lands for drilling.  

Our children’s future is tied to the health of our environment. Follow the work of our friends at Front and Centered who work with communities of color to advance climate justice.   

Children's Alliance is committed to working with communities to advocate for children and families furthest from opportunity. We believe it is central to our mission to resist and fight against any actions at the local, state or federal level that would do harm to children and families, and we hope that you'll join us.


