We believe in the potential of every child. But all too often, poverty, racism and the pandemic are putting opportunity out of reach.

Our legislative agenda seeks to protect kids, remove barriers and create pathways to success—so that Washington’s children and families stay strong, no matter what challenges we face.

Early Learning

Protect, adopt and sustainably fund access to high quality, culturally relevant early learning. Ensure the robust implementation of the 2021 Fair Start for Kids Act.


Health Care for Kids and Families

Expand dental therapy to bring urgently needed oral health care to kids and families statewide: pass House Bill 1885. 


Revenue to Invest in Kids

Close wasteful tax breaks and adopt new sources of revenue, building on the success of the 2021 capital gains excise tax. Balance the tax code with House Bill 1406 / Senate Bill 5426, creating a new one-percent tax on the value of stocks, bonds, and other financial intangible assets over $1 billion. 


Our Support Agenda

We will offer our support to these initiatives, which are led by other organizations:

School meals for hungry kids: Pass HB 1878 to ensure that more schools have the financial resources to feed low-income students. Pass HB 1833, which cuts red tape by simplifying the school meals application process for families. 

Helping youth get a great start: Pass House Bill 1861 / Senate Bill 5752, establishing the Washington Future Trust Fund to address disparities in generational wealth among income-eligible Washingtonians.

Healthy beginnings for new babies: Pass SB 5649, improving Washington’s popular Paid Family and Medical Leave Act so more new parents have a healthy perinatal and postpartum experience. 

Access to health care for homeless youth: Enact legislation that allows unaccompanied homeless youth to get health care.

Housing relief and tax reform: Support House Bill 1465, which prevents family homelessness and balances the tax code by making the estate tax more progressive.

Community water fluoridation: To help promote childhood dental health, pass House Bill 1684, ensuring that Washington cities provide tap water with a healthy balance of fluoride.

Workforce compensation in early learning: Cash bonuses for child care and early learning staff to strengthen the early learning infrastructure.

Centering the voices of families in policymaking: Compensation for people with lived experience when serving on state boards, commissions or councils.

Improving child health by addressing the impact of climate change: Reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions by achieving greater decarbonization of residential and commercial buildings.

Draft and enact a basic income model program: Support planning to take local experiments with guaranteed basic income to scale statewide.

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